Hunting Grounds 1.1.21 has dropped

We're excited to announce that Hunting Grounds 1.1.21 is now available for your Apple or Android device! This version adds some new features:
Whats new:
- Hunting Grounds now has a free version. Some features if the app can be used without needing a current subscription.
- A current subscription is still required to access map layers, premium base maps and map tools.
- If you cancel a subscription, you can still access your markers, shapes and tracks.
- New Data Layer: Victorian Foraging
- Crown Land Softwood Plantation maps
- Morel mushroom distribution.
- Blackberry distribution.
- Asparagus distribution.
- Garlic and Crow Garlic distribution.
- New Data Layer: Victorian Freshwater species distribution
- Silver Perch.
- River Blackfish.
- Macquarie Perch.
- Estuary Perch.
- Longfin Eel.
- Shortfin Eel.
- Australian Grayling.
- Australian Bass.
- Common Yabby.
- Spiny Crayfish.
- Golden Perch.
- Trout Cod.
- Murray Cod.
- Brown Trout.
- Rainbow Trout.
- Redfin (English Perch).
- Data Update: Vic Crown Land Hunting areas dataset updated to latest available.
- Data Update: 2021 and 2022 Vic Burn areas added.
- "My Content" renamed to "My Data".
- Various minor UI Tweaks.
- Various bug fixes.