Hunting Grounds 1.0.5 has been released.

We're excited to announce that Hunting Grounds 1.0.5 has been released! This version adds some new features, and fixes a few issues that you guy have reported:
New Features:
- There is now a new Base Map (OpenTopo Maps), which is a vector style topographic map generated from OSM & STRM data, and has been setup to look more like a traditional handheld GPS Map.
- New "Settings" Menu (available from the side menu). This allows you to enable or disable certain features on app launch. You can also set which base map you would like to see set at launch.
- You can now save offline areas for all* base map types (*except for Sat-Topo Hybrid).
- Added a "last updated" field for data layers, to make it apparent how current the data in the layer is.
Bug fixes & tweaks:
- Fixed an issue where the sublayer menu would scroll and then get "stuck".
- Fixed issue where wrong info was displaying for some Crown Land hunting areas (specifically areas with duplicate IDs).
- You can now change the name of a marker.
- Under some rare circumstances, the app would lose sync with the device compass. We've added a button (In the settings menu) which 'resets' the apps subscription to the compass.
- Hunting Grounds font sizes are no longer tied to system font sizes, meaning that if your device has "scaled up" font sizes, menus / etc wont scale off screen, rendering them useless.
- Under some rare circumstances, access to Location Services on some devices would be blocked. We've added some additional error handling to detect (and hopefully prevent) this condition, and in the event that the device's location services can not be accessed, a message will appear to let you know (and what to do about it).
- Moved the "Go offline" button from the main map screen to the Base Map menu, next to the "download areas" button
- Moved the location of the "download areas" button & the "Go offline" button to the top of the Base Map Menu
- Moved the location of the "Hide Active Layers" button to the top of the Map Layers Menu.
- In the "Download Offline Areas" screen, a blue dot now signifies a users location.
- When viewing "offline" maps, the if the map is medium or low res, as you zoom in the map will now "stretch" rather than disappearing.
- The icon has changed on the "Locate me" button on the main map menu.
- Marker icons now have a white background.
- Base Map & Map Layer menu generation no longer relies on cloud infrastructure to work (all done now local to the device).